Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Wonderful Summer Day

Sorry that I haven't posted on my blog for awhile. Now that school is out, I've managed to catch up on gardening, paperwork, visiting friends and family. As my good friend Laurie pointed out, it means I have a real life, and I don't have time for my virtual one. Of course, she's the self-proclaimed Blog Whore.

The truth is that blogging is a great way to procrastinate. So when I was blogging, I was really avoiding doing schoolwork. Now the truth is out! With summer here, there's been nothing to put off. But I swore I would start blogging again.

Actually, Laurie came over today with her daughter. She is soooo sweet and adorable (the daughter, not Laurie - see Blog Whore above). Her daughter is very precious, but Laurie assures me that she is not always so. Oh well, she is sweet for me, and I get to spoil her. We managed to pick some apples and bake an apple pie. We also picked some cherries and plums. There was a nice breeze and it felt good for us to sit on the patio. Good friends, good food, yes, a wonderful summer day.